Thursday, August 5, 2010

'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Makes Me Vomit

So I get a sample of what's popular with you wild animals during each flight, especially in reading material. I just have to say that I'm sick of seeing this book on the goddamn airplane people...Have I read it? No. Will I read it? No. Why? because EVERYONE and their onboard pet is reading it and mainly because the cover is as ugly as puke. It's like 'Eat, Pray, Love' has reared it's ugly, whiny head yet again. Please, at least Kindle it so I don't have to see it.  Lately, I see at least one copy per row and it's bugging the shit outta me.  Is this ridiculous? Probably. Do I care? No. Maybe it's because I hate dragon tattoos in general (they are right up there with tribal/barbed wire bands & butterfly tramp stamps in my "book") or maybe it's because I loathe when the masses succumb to fads.

Off to watch Eclipse now...I'm Team Edward in a big way by the way...


  1. Shut the front door....I'm reading it right now! So take dat suck'ka! Hahahahahaaa!

  2. your pretension reeks of hypocrisy. The Twilight series, which you praise next to literary masters, is one of the most obvious product of popular fiction. think about it.

  3. Anonymous must really like this book! and my blog since s/he has seemed to read multiple posts! You must like bathroom humor...ever heard of "sarcasm"?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I know this is an old post, but I think it just made me fall in love with you.

  6. Just wanted to show my support in this matter. I have read this book and thought it was grossly overrated.

  7. Ditto to miagoichi's comment. I know this was written a LONG time ago & his post was as well but... well I just came across your blog. The book was... ok... but it wasn't fantastic. And it was disturbing. It's one of those that... I'm ok with having read it... but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Ever.

    Also, the Twilight thing? Hilarious.
    Not everyone is fluent in sarcasm, though. Especially peaches like Anonymous #1 above. :)
